All Pizza, Pub Grub and French Restaurants near South Park, Leschi, Montlake and Madrona

Cafe Lago

Cafe Lago in Montlake has been making handmade pasta, thin-crust wood-fired pizza, and all that for more than 20 years (which makes a lot of places look a litt…
2305 24th Ave E

Traveler Montlake

The pub that was the Montlake Ale House for 1,000 years is now another pub: Traveler Montlake. It's from the owners of the much-loved Nabob and Leary Traveler,…
2307 24th Ave E

South Town Pie

This old-school, all-ages South Park pizzeria from Sam Crannell (the former owner of the erstwhile Lloydmartin, which closed at the end of 2017) and El Camino
8611 14th Ave South
South Park

Loretta's Northwesterner

From the owner of Georgetown’s beloved 9 Lb. Hammer comes this South Park bar that’s comfortable to a degree that could be hazardous to your liver’s health. Dr…
8617 14th Ave S
South Park

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