Contact EverOut

We'd love to hear from you!

If you'd like to submit an event, the best way to get in touch is to fill out our event submission form: we have one for Seattle and one for Portland.

If you'd like to request a change to an existing listing, please email and include a link to the listing.

If you have a press release or your information is in a format that can’t be uploaded through our submission form, you can also email or Please make sure to include the date of your event in the subject line where possible. If an attachment is necessary, PDFs are preferred. 

If you're interested in advertising or participating in a food week (such as Burger Week or Pizza Week), email

If you have a question about a Bold Type Tickets event, email

If you have a different question or general feedback about our site, email us any time at  

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Please use this form to let us know about anything that violates our Terms of Use or is otherwise no good.
Thanks for helping us keep EverOut a nice place.

Please include links to specific policy violations if relevant.

Say something about this item. If you add it to multiple lists, the note will be added to all lists. You can always change it later!

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