All Barbecue, Filipino and Korean Restaurants near Chinatown-International District

Chung Chun Rice Dog

This street food chain is known for its "Korean corn dogs" dipped in rice flour batter and fried before being rolled in crunchy coatings, such as panko breadcr…
502 S King St
Chinatown-International District
512 S King Street
Chinatown-International District

Momosan Seattle

I've been a Masaharu Morimoto fan since his days on the original Iron Chef, back when it was a cult Japanese cooking show that pitted masters of world cuisine …
500 Fifth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Hood Famous Cafe and Bar

The beloved Ballard bakeshop, famous for its Filipino-inspired specialties such as ube cheesecake, has expanded to the International District with a new locati…
500 Fifth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Kau Kau

Offering cheap Chinese food at its finest, Kau Kau’s atmosphere is the perfect balance of interesting/odd decor and unpretentious functionality. The counter up…
656 S King St
Chinatown-International District

Dynasty Room

Oasis Tea Zone owner I-Miun Liu's new restauraunt in the former space of the now closed Chinese restaurant Four Seas features Eastern-influenced decor from loc…
714 S King St
Chinatown-International District
(206) 682-4900

Milkie Milkie Korean Desserts

This Korean dessert spot serves treats like bingsu (a shaved ice dessert), crispy toasts with soft rice cakes inside, and stuffed waffles.
519 Sixth Avenue S
Chinatown-International District
518 Sixth Ave S
Chinatown-International District
(206) 622-2828

Uwajimaya Village Food Court

The Asian food superstore Uwajimaya also boasts an excellent and cheap food court with Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Hawaiian cuisines, plus…
503 S Weller St
Chinatown-International District

Harbor City

If the line is too long at Jade Garden, mosey over to Harbor City, where the dim sum staples are more or less exactly the same. When the servers roll those ste…
707 S King St
Chinatown-International District
(206) 621-2228

Fortuna Cafe

Praised for its pan-fried pea vines, hot pot specials and ultra-cheap "lunch boxes" to go, this cafe/restaurant run by a husband-and-wife team is continuously…
711 S King St
Chinatown-International District
(206) 223-5343

HardWok Cafe

This International District café serves Taiwanese street food—inexpensive small dishes of meat, fish, rice, veggies, noodles, and fried things—and bubble tea. …
1207 S Jackson St
Chinatown-International District
710 8th Avenue South
Chinatown-International District
516 6th Ave S
Chinatown-International District

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