Recommended Caribbean & Dim Sum Restaurants with Takeout near Seattle

Henry's Taiwan Plus

The stinky tofu is just as stinky (and delicious) here as at Rocking Wok, both owned by the Henry of the restaurant's name. Come for the tofu, stay for the fri…
504 S King St
Chinatown-International District
81 Vine St

Northwest Tofu

Besides making tofu and soy milk in-house, Northwest Tofu serves very good dim sum—cooked to order instead of off a cart—in their small dining room every day. …
1913 S Jackson St
Central District

Paseo Caribbean Food

Pretty much the only game in town where you can get roast pork done Cuban style, i.e., meat that falls apart to melt in your mouth. It’s a little sweet, but so…
4225 Fremont Ave N

Dim Sum House

The dim sum at this small, nondescript Beacon Hill spot is cooked to order instead of from carts, which might be less fun, but they make it quick and it comes …
4860 Beacon Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Island Soul Restaurant

Owner Theo Martin has created a space that is as much a community gathering spot as it is a restaurant. But make no mistake, the people come hungry for the Car…
4869 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Chiang's Gourmet

Chiang’s has four menus: an Americanized Chinese menu, with all the usual suspects; a traditional Chinese menu, full of authentic dishes that you probably didn…
7845 Lake City Way NE
Northeast Seattle

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