All Scandinavian & Local/Organic/Sustainable Focus Restaurants with Takeout near Downtown Seattle & Pioneer Square
Showing locations near 98101

The Grilled Cheese Experience

The Grilled Cheese Experience joins in the grand tradition of suicide food, but instead of a pig in an apron, we are presented with a smiling grilled cheese sa…

Downtown Seattle

I Love My GFF

This food cart serves entirely gluten-free quinoa bowls, with or without free-range chicken. Also—GF chocolate chip cookies for dessert. It’s usually parked in…

Downtown Seattle

The Organic Coup

The menu at this health-conscious, all-organic chain features sandwiches, salads, and wraps made with organic chicken. In addition, there's also a breakfast me…
701 5th Ave
Downtown Seattle

Homegrown Sustainable Sandwich Shop

We’ll let Homegrown speak for itself: “Our goal at Homegrown is not only to create sandwiches out of sustainable ingredients but also to make sandwich creation…
999 3rd Ave
Downtown Seattle


Salads! Evergreens makes them with produce that’s sourced “hyperlocally” in the “biggest bowls in town.” They have unfortunately cutesy names—“The Cobbsby Show…
823 3rd Ave, Suite 107
Downtown Seattle

Grand Central Baking Company

Grand Central has been making high-quality, yummy bread and baked goods for a long, long time, and comes with a presidential seal of approval: Obama ate a turk…
214 1st Ave S
Pioneer Square


Salumi's storefront in Pioneer Square is world-famous and duly mobbed (and rightfully so). It used to be owned by Armando Batali before his daughter Gina took …
404 Occidental Ave S
Pioneer Square

Taylor Shellfish Farms Oyster Bar

The good people here aim to provide you with the freshest oysters, clams, mussels, geoducks, and scallops, brought to Seattle throughout the week directly from…
410 Occidental Ave S
Pioneer Square

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