All Eastern European/Polish/Russian & German Restaurants with Takeout near Seattle

George's Sausage and Delicatessen

In a city that’s shy on the flavors of Central Europe, George’s Polish shop delivers on that meaty, smoky feel that every deli should have. While you’re pickin…
907 Madison St
First Hill

Piroshky Piroshky

This Pike Place Market staple serves glorified Russian hot pockets, and they’re fucking delicious. They’ve got sweet and savory options. Of the sweet, it’s har…
1908 Pike Place
Pike Place Market

Pel Meni Dumpling Tzar

Pel Meni makes Russian dumplings near the statue of Lenin, with two options: beef or potato. Each order comes topped with sour cream and spices, with a slice o…
3516 Fremont Pl


The name of this Lake City bakery translates to “coffee gossip,” aka the best way to spend any weekend afternoon. As the daughter of a German immigrant, I grew…
12513 Lake City Way NE Suite H
Olympic Hills

Yodelin Broth Company and Beer Garden

This chef-owned Leavenworth spot serves hot broth bowls, updated Bavarian cuisine, craft beer, cider, and salmon-safe wine, plus a patio with a mountain view.
633 Front St

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