All Indian & African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants with Snacks Available near Seattle


Roti's ceilings are the stuff of Instagram dreams, and the food isn't bad either.
530 Queen Anne Ave N

Maharaja Cuisine of India

West Seattle's Maharaja has two distinct parts: the fancy-schmancy dining area, with plush booths and opulent chandeliers, and the informal back bar/rec room, …
4542 California Ave SW

Bengal Tiger

Bengal Tiger is decorated with tons of tigers, doing every possible thing a tiger can do. Don't let that distract you from the Indian food, which is rumored to…
6509 Roosevelt Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Zouave Restaurant

Sharing a name with the French army regiments that served in colonial North Africa, Zouave offers an all-over-the-Mediterranean-map menu, including dishes like…
2615 NE 65th St
Northeast Seattle
(206) 525-7747

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