All Filipino & Caribbean Restaurants with Menu near Seattle

Manu's Bodega

A new outpost of Pioneer Square's Manu's Bodega, known for their delicious Dominican sandwiches.
1509 E Madison St
Central District

Paseo Caribbean Food

Pretty much the only game in town where you can get roast pork done Cuban style, i.e., meat that falls apart to melt in your mouth. It’s a little sweet, but so…
4225 Fremont Ave N

Pam's Kitchen

Roti and curry are the stars of Pam Jacob’s Wallingford kitchen, which turns out plate after plate of meat, potato and chickpeas that have been stewed in…

1715 N 45th St

Island Soul Restaurant

Owner Theo Martin has created a space that is as much a community gathering spot as it is a restaurant. But make no mistake, the people come hungry for the Car…
4869 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Kawayan Grill

Owners Julieta Tuazon and Edwin Tablit want their mix of American and Filipino dishes to give you lutong bahay—a taste of home, whether it’s tuna melts or oxta…
5300 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Bongos Cafe

Bongos serves delicious Caribbean food with zero pretensions, and the restaurant, tucked into a triangular plot of land on Aurora, just off Green Lake, is prac…
6501 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge

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