All Latin American, Burgers Restaurants, Bars and Pubs with Delivery, Livestreaming and Takeout near Phinney Ridge, Eastlake and Greenwood
Showing locations near 98101

Otter Bar and Burger

This comfy, casual neighborhood burger joint features specialty burgers and a “not burgers” menu of other offerings like New York-style Reubens and jerk chicke…
2379 Eastlake Ave E

Eastlake Bar and Grill

Once you're ensconced on the Eastlake Bar and Grill's deck, gazing out upon sparkly Lake Union with a happy-hour beverage at hand, you might begin to feel like…
2947 Eastlake Ave E

Barking Dog Alehouse

Cool neighborhood pub in Greenwood with a great beer selection (specializing in Belgian brews) and an eclectic food menu (sesame seared-ahi salad). Too bad the…
705 NW 70th St
Phinney Ridge

74th Street Ale House

This cozy neighborhood ale house has high ceilings, a dark bar, and old-fashioned pub signs—a convivial space usually filled with happy regulars. The bee…
7401 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

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