All Bars with Livestreaming, Delivery, Covered Patio Seating and Heated Patio Seating near Pioneer Square & Downtown Seattle

Metropolitan Grill

The Metropolitan Grill, located in the heart of downtown, is home to one of the world's best collections of premium West Coast red wines. Its sister restaurant…
820 Second Ave
Downtown Seattle

Casco Antiguo

A Mexican restaurant and cantina in Pioneer Square opened by Harvey Ward Allen (owner of neighboring Altstadt) and run by Rodolfo Riveron, former chef of Capit…
119 Occidental Ave S
Pioneer Square

Damn the Weather

Bryn Lumsden (who has tended bar at Rob Roy, Vessel, and Vito’s, and was also in the band Fleet Foxes) teamed up with Jay Kuehner (beloved from Sambar) and Eli…
116 First Ave S
Pioneer Square

Altstadt Bierhalle & Brathaus

Altstadt, owned by former Belltown street taco entrepreneur Lex Petras, is arguably Seattle’s first stab at upscale German food. And it hits the mark. Certainl…
209 First Ave S
Pioneer Square

Cafe Nordo

The Culinarium serves as the "crossroads between the culinary and performing arts." Chef Nordo serves up some delicious modern foods. Programs include live cab…
109 S Main St
Pioneer Square

Taylor Shellfish Farms Oyster Bar

The good people here aim to provide you with the freshest oysters, clams, mussels, geoducks, and scallops, brought to Seattle throughout the week directly from…
410 Occidental Ave S
Pioneer Square

Cone & Steiner

This market specializes in local foods, flowers, coffee, kombucha, and beer. You can hang out on their stoop with something tasty to go.
135 S King St
Pioneer Square

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