All Burgers Restaurants with Late-Night Dining near White Center, Arbor Heights, First Hill, Capitol Hill and West Seattle

Li'l Woody's

Li’l Woody’s serves good burgers made with Painted Hills beef, with the basic model starting at less than $5 (and it serves them until 3 a.m. on Fridays and Sa…
1211 Pine St
Capitol Hill

Linda's Tavern

Under the baleful watch of a taxidermied buffalo, Capitol Hill has hung out at Western-themed Linda's with shots and pitchers of beer for two-plus decades now,…
707 E Pine St
Capitol Hill


The Unicorn, with its absurd name, rampant stripes, salvaged carousel panels, and menagerie of taxidermy, is insane. The bar serves Jell-O shots, and the place…
1118 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Dick's Drive-In Restaurant

Dick’s is an old-school drive-in burger joint, open late and super cheap. The burgers are flat and, to be honest, sometimes a tiny bit gristly, and the fries a…
115 Broadway E
Capitol Hill


Smith is a pub-with-upscale-grub on Capitol Hill’s 15th Avenue, brought to you by Linda of Linda’s/King’s Hardware/Oddfellows Cafe. The hunting-lodge interior …
332 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

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