All Dessert & Filipino Restaurants with Late-Night Dining near Seattle


Licorous is the restaurant Lark's femme little sister, and the advice to ladies of yore preparing to go out—get completely dressed, then remove one acces…
928 12th Ave
Central District
(206) 325-6947

The Butcher's Table

The Butcher's Table is the latest venture from Beecher's Handmade Cheese king Kurt Beecher Dammeier, and focuses on gorgeous, high-quality steaks. Case in poin…
2121 Westlake Ave

Oasis Tea Zone

Oasis is a bubble tea shop and cafe with locations in the ID, the U-District and Renton. This one has arcade games too. Play a few rounds of your favorite old-…
519 6th Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Sureshot Cafe

Dominic Holden says, "The coffee here is pretty much the best, and their punk rock thing reminds me of the Black Cat, Puss-Puss, the Globe, and other much-miss…
4505 University Ave NE
Northeast Seattle
4508 University Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Kawayan Grill

Owners Julieta Tuazon and Edwin Tablit want their mix of American and Filipino dishes to give you lutong bahay—a taste of home, whether it’s tuna melts or oxta…
5300 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

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