All Korean & African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants with Happy Hour near Seattle


Korean-born chef and entrepreneur Heong Soon Park says that his restaurant Chan's name means "all the food except for the rice." He's making locally sourced Ko…

724 Pine Street
Pike Place Market

Dynasty Room

Oasis Tea Zone owner I-Miun Liu's new restauraunt in the former space of the now closed Chinese restaurant Four Seas features Eastern-influenced decor from loc…
714 S King St
Chinatown-International District
(206) 682-4900

Cook Weaver

After fatefully meeting on Craigslist, owners Zac Reynolds and Nile Klein bridged their culinary talent and experience (Reynolds is the chef and Klein is the m…
806 East Roy Street
Capitol Hill

Itto's Tapas

This Moroccan restaurant serves up carefully crafted small plates and tapas; it's a good choice for all types of eaters, and has plenty of options for vegetari…
4160 California Ave SW

The Gerald

This Ballard craft cocktail bar, taken over by owner Wes Yoo in 2018, features a Korean food menu of skewers, small plates like fried chicken wings and kimchi …

5210 Ballard Ave NW

ANJU Bar and Eatery

This bar, whose name refers to "food eaten with alcohol" or "bar food," focuses on Korean drinking food like kimchi quesadillas or chicken wings alongside drin…
9641 15th Ave SW
White Center

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