All locations with Gift Cards near White Center, Fremont, Arbor Heights and West Seattle

Eve Fremont

Eve, with its gigantic mural of a nude woman resting on her side (presumably the original Eve), serves a clean food and drink menu with a focus on whole and un…
704 N 34th St

Aslan Brewing Company

Craft beer nerds, rejoice: The highly anticipated Fremont taproom from the Bellingham-based craft brewery Aslan Brewing is now open. The new location serves he…
401 N 36th St. Ste 102

Frelard Pizza Company

From prolific restaurateur Ethan Stowell, Frelard Pizza Company is a family-friendly space with outdoor seating and a children's play area. It serves the same …
4010 Leary Way NW

Lighthouse Coffee Roasters

The Fremont-area corner cafe that houses Lighthouse Roasters is cozy and functional—giant bags of beans are stacked in the back near the vintage cast-iron roas…
400 N 43rd St

Salvadorean Bakery & Restaurant

You’ll need to studiously avoid the two heaving pastry cases on either side of you as you order your meal at the counter of this White Center bakery. Focus! Be…
1719 SW Roxbury St
White Center

ANJU Bar and Eatery

This bar, whose name refers to "food eaten with alcohol" or "bar food," focuses on Korean drinking food like kimchi quesadillas or chicken wings alongside drin…
9641 15th Ave SW
White Center

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