All Salads, Korean and Hawaiian/Polynesian Restaurants with Gift Cards near Seattle

Seattle Fish Guys

As you could probably surmise, the Fish Guys (owned by the husband-and-wife team Salvador (Sal) Panelo and Desiree Chinn, formerly of Pike Place's City Fish) s…
411 23rd Ave S
Central District

Buddha Bruddah

The family-owned food truck and catering service has opened a brick-and-mortar restaurant on Rainier Avenue. Their menu offers an Asian twist on the traditiona…
2201 Rainier Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Eve Fremont

Eve, with its gigantic mural of a nude woman resting on her side (presumably the original Eve), serves a clean food and drink menu with a focus on whole and un…
704 N 34th St

Broadfork Cafe

The owners who previously bought the U-District location of Chaco Canyon Cafe have re-opened the place as their own venture, with a similarly organic, sustaina…
4757 12th Ave NE
Northeast Seattle


This new veg-friendly spot in Georgetown serves up modern Korean-inflected customizable grain bowls, with options for black or white rice, proteins, and toppin…
5633 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish

Watson's Counter

This Ballard restaurant features a brunch-focused menu of nostalgic comfort food with Korean influences, including cereal French toast encrusted with Fruity Pe…
6420 24th Ave NW

ANJU Bar and Eatery

This bar, whose name refers to "food eaten with alcohol" or "bar food," focuses on Korean drinking food like kimchi quesadillas or chicken wings alongside drin…
9641 15th Ave SW
White Center

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