All locations with Free Wi-Fi near Phinney Ridge, Eastside and Greenwood

The Dray

Ballard's excellent pub/bottle shop/cafe is paneled in wood, but it's not wood-paneled in a '70s-rec-room way. The reclaimed fir planks are a toasty cedar colo…
708 NW 65th St
Phinney Ridge

Monkey Grind Cafe

A small coffeeshop that used to have a monkey motif, Monkey Grind now pretty much focuses on its locally roasted coffee. The (really nice) owners also assure u…
518 N 85th St.


Named for the '60s French singer, scoundrel, and womanizer Serge Gainsbourg, this laid-back bar serves French small plates at good prices. Among the selections…
8550 Greenwood Ave N

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