All Kosher, Malaysian and Steakhouse Restaurants with Family Friendly near Seattle

Novilhos Brazilian Steakhouse

In Brazil, a rodízio is a traditional establishment meant exclusively for carnivores and basically no one else. It is an all-you-can-eat steakhouse in the mos…
901 Fairview Ave N
South Lake Union

Wedgwood Broiler

When you step through the doors of this lovable, broken-in old haunt (it has not changed a hair in decades, and every table is a booth), your DNA is forever al…
8230 35th Ave NE
Northeast Seattle

Novilhos Brazilian Steakhouse

In Brazil, a rodízio is a traditional establishment meant exclusively for carnivores and basically no one else. It is an all-you-can-eat steakhouse in the mos…
12405 SE 38th St

Salt & Iron

This restaurant from Shubert Ho and Andrew Leckie (who also own Market, Salt & Iron, and San Kai) revolves around the felicitous pairing of surf and turf—more …
321 Main St.
The Bowl of Edmonds

Maza Grill

This halal steakhouse/Pakistani restaurant hybrid serves steaks, burgers, and Pakistani cuisine made with dry-aged, hand-cut halal meats.
21000 108th Ave SE

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