All Malaysian & African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants with Livestreaming & Dinner near Seattle

Safari Njema Restaurant

Chef Jane Kagira runs Safari Njema, serving food from across the continent in Kenya. Kagira works magic with the Indian-influenced spices woven into Kenya’s cu…
5041 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Zouave Restaurant

Sharing a name with the French army regiments that served in colonial North Africa, Zouave offers an all-over-the-Mediterranean-map menu, including dishes like…
2615 NE 65th St
Northeast Seattle
(206) 525-7747

Jebena Cafe

Jebena already leads the highly competitive race for best Ethiopian restaurant in town based solely on the merits of using the freshest ingredients, the best c…
1510 NE 117th St
North Seattle

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