All Italian Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Leschi, Madrona, Green Lake, Wallingford and Montlake

Cafe Lago

Cafe Lago in Montlake has been making handmade pasta, thin-crust wood-fired pizza, and all that for more than 20 years (which makes a lot of places look a litt…
2305 24th Ave E

Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria

The five Tutta Bellas (Tuttas Bella?) specialize in certified Neapolitan pies: thin-’n’-blistery crust made with fresh ingredients, from the hammy prosciutto e…
4411 Stone Way N

Bizzarro Italian Cafe

Two longtime employees took over ownership of this perennial Wallingford Italian favorite a while back, and they updated the menu with fresh pasta and house-cu…
1307 N 46th St

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