All Pizza Restaurants with Delivery & Takeout near First Hill, Capitol Hill, Montlake, Madrona and Leschi
1600 Ninth Avenue
Capitol Hill

Via Tribunali

The Capitol Hill location of Via Tribunali is inviting and warm, with a romantic ambiance and a solid menu of elevated pizza and other favorites. Try the burra…
913 E Pike St
First Hill

Dino’s Tomato Pie

From Brandon Pettit and Molly Wizenberg, owners of Ballard’s pathologically popular Delancey and Essex, Dino’s Tomato Pie is a tribute to the wood-paneled pizz…
1524 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill


The naturally-leavened sourdough pizza pop-up Blotto, which also published a limited zine full of quarantine recipes and stories under the same name and has pr…
1830 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

Cafe Lago

Cafe Lago in Montlake has been making handmade pasta, thin-crust wood-fired pizza, and all that for more than 20 years (which makes a lot of places look a litt…
2305 24th Ave E

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