All Deli/Sandwiches Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Eastside, Phinney Ridge, Greenwood and Madison Park

Scoop Du Jour Ice Creamery

Scoop du Jour, which has a long history in the Madison Park neighborhood, serves brightly colored local sherberts and ice creams, as well as lunch fare like bu…
4029 E Madison St
Madison Park

Bongos Cafe

Bongos serves delicious Caribbean food with zero pretensions, and the restaurant, tucked into a triangular plot of land on Aurora, just off Green Lake, is prac…
6501 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Petit Pierre Bakery

Celine Patisserie, run by husband-and-wife team Alexei and Daniela Bucos, is a Greenwood/Phinney newcomer that serves a bit of everything. Lunch items like ham…
6801 Greenwood Ave N Unit 113A
Phinney Ridge

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