All Mexican, Bakery and Spanish Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Downtown Seattle & Pioneer Square
Showing locations near 98101

314 Pie

314 Pie is a food truck that serves Aussie-style 5-inch savory/meat pies, plus a few dessert pies, made by two guys who aren’t Australian. They’ve got steak an…

Downtown Seattle

Manu's Tacos

Housed cozily within Pioneer Square's Flatstick Pub, Manu's Tacos (the spin-off taco stand from Manu Alfau, who owns Capitol Hill's Manu's Bodega) is a welcome…
40 2nd Ave S
Pioneer Square

Casco Antiguo

A Mexican restaurant and cantina in Pioneer Square opened by Harvey Ward Allen (owner of neighboring Altstadt) and run by Rodolfo Riveron, former chef of Capit…
119 Occidental Ave S
Pioneer Square

The Pastry Project

This nonprofit founded by two former Molly Moon's employees provides pastry and bakery job training to individuals with a barrier to entry. They offer boxes of…
165 South Main Street
Pioneer Square
2325 6th Avenue
Downtown Seattle
2325 6th Avenue
Downtown Seattle
119 S Jackson Street
Pioneer Square

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