All Korean & Hawaiian/Polynesian Restaurants with Delivery & Takeout near First Hill, West Seattle, Capitol Hill, White Center and Arbor Heights
Showing locations near 98101

Meet Korean BBQ

This upscale Korean BBQ restaurant called Meet Korean BBQ, from the owner of Chan and Bacco Cafe focuses on premium meats like wagyu beef and Kurobuta pork. Th…
500 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Pelicana Chicken

The South Korean fried chicken chain Pelicana Chicken is set to open a location inside the the former space of the longtime sports bar Bill's Off Broadway…
725 E Pine St
Capitol Hill

Bok a Bok

This raved-about Korean fried chicken joint offers sides like kimchi mac and cheese, as well as chicken sandwiches in flavors like gochuchang BBQ and yuzu gree…
925 E Pike St
First Hill

Hula Hula

Hula Hula is a tiki-themed drinking paradise: bamboo wainscoting, thatched roofing around the bar, pufferfish made into lamps, and surfboards etc. stuck to the…
1501 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Soju Anju

Jun Park, who also owns the beloved Musashi's, has opened this Korean bar in the former space of Dao Tai House in the Velocity Dance Center. The name refers to…
1621 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

ANJU Bar and Eatery

This bar, whose name refers to "food eaten with alcohol" or "bar food," focuses on Korean drinking food like kimchi quesadillas or chicken wings alongside drin…
9641 15th Ave SW
White Center

Bok a Bok

If you are familiar with White Center, you know Bok Bok—a chicken-centric Korean place located there—has gotta serve some pretty fine fare to get people to mak…
1521 SW 98th St, Suite D
White Center

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