All Seafood & Pub Grub Restaurants with Delivery & Takeout near West Queen Anne, East Queen Anne and Eastlake
Showing locations near 98101

Haymaker East

Like Clevenger's other restaurants, Haymaker features a mix of handmade pasta and local seafood and vegetables, but it also adds some more typical American dis…
1823 Eastlake Avenue E

5 Spot

With its ever-changing menu—half of which rotates every three months or so—the 5 Spot focuses on different American regional cuisines. There's also standard di…
1502 Queen Anne Ave N
East Queen Anne

Five Hooks Fish Grill

Five Hooks is spearheaded (ha!) by married couple Paul and Pam Saito, who keep “a clean and bright, casual atmosphere” and serve local/sustainable seafood.
2232 Queen Anne Ave N
East Queen Anne


Richie-riches, businesspeople, and gourmands love this mid-century marvel of a restaurant with its amazing view of Lake Union. Chef Brady Williams balances cla…
2576 Aurora Ave N
East Queen Anne

Eastlake Bar and Grill

Once you're ensconced on the Eastlake Bar and Grill's deck, gazing out upon sparkly Lake Union with a happy-hour beverage at hand, you might begin to feel like…
2947 Eastlake Ave E

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