All Deli/Sandwiches, Dessert and Taiwanese Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Phinney Ridge & Greenwood
Showing locations near 98101

Fresh Flours

Specializing in Japanese-inspired pastries, Fresh Flours has lots and lots of loyal fans.
6015 Phinney Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Bongos Cafe

Bongos serves delicious Caribbean food with zero pretensions, and the restaurant, tucked into a triangular plot of land on Aurora, just off Green Lake, is prac…
6501 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge

The Blue Glass

“Global comfort food,” with the additional comfort of a full bar, from the owner of the Tractor Tavern.
704 NW 65th St
Phinney Ridge

Petit Pierre Bakery

Celine Patisserie, run by husband-and-wife team Alexei and Daniela Bucos, is a Greenwood/Phinney newcomer that serves a bit of everything. Lunch items like ham…
6801 Greenwood Ave N Unit 113A
Phinney Ridge

Nutty Squirrel Gelato

“True to the Northwest, our flavors change with the seasons,” say the owners of Phinney Ridge’s Nutty Squirrel Gelato, which uses local fruit and nuts in its h…
7212 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Bluebird Microcreamery

Bluebird crafts wonderful, ultra-smooth small-batch ice cream in flavors like chocolate pudding, Elysian stout, and snickerdoodle, as well as an array of from-…
7400 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Hangry Panda

This Taiwanese bubble tea shop serves drinks like Hong Kong milk tea and "panda milk" (black sesame swirled with milk and topped with salted cream cheese foam)…
7815 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge

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