All Scandinavian, Malaysian and Eastern European/Polish/Russian Restaurants with Breakfast/Brunch & Breakfast Brunch near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Piroshki on Madison

The piroshki—savory pies, filled with things like chicken, cabbage, rice, and mushrooms, as well as potatoes and cheese—here are wonderful. But the borscht—a h…
1219 Madison St
First Hill

Cafe Rozella

This (relatively) longtime White Center cafe reopened in spring 2012 with a "fresh and inviting French country chic look" and a French-Nordic menu (lox, canapé…
9434 Delridge Way SW
South Delridge

G.A. Bakery

Sharing a space (and bakers) with the renowned Fuji Bakery’s Bellevue location, G.A. Bakery promises “authentic Bosnian food and baked goods.”
1502 145th Pl SE
Lake Hills

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