All Filipino & Caribbean Restaurants with Breakfast/Brunch & Breakfast Brunch near Seattle
81 Vine St

Despi Delite Bakery

For Seattleites craving freshly baked ensaymada and pan de sal, there are two options: trek down to Red Ribbon in Tukwila or stop by Despi Delite Bakery, servi…
2701 15th Avenue S
Greater Duwamish

Island Soul Restaurant

Owner Theo Martin has created a space that is as much a community gathering spot as it is a restaurant. But make no mistake, the people come hungry for the Car…
4869 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Flying Apron

Bake shop for gluten-free sweets like cupcakes & cookies plus savories like bread, pizza & lasagna. Opening sometime before January 2019.
4709 California SW

Kawayan Grill

Owners Julieta Tuazon and Edwin Tablit want their mix of American and Filipino dishes to give you lutong bahay—a taste of home, whether it’s tuna melts or oxta…
5300 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

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