All locations with Billiards near Laurelhurst, Pioneer Square, Downtown Seattle and North Seattle

Polar Bar

Located in the lobby of the new Arctic Club Hotel, the Polar Bar is a tribute to stolid poshness that resides at the border of gratifying comfort and eternal b…
700 Third Ave
Downtown Seattle

Blarney Stone

This downtown Irish hangout serves typical pub grub, but their sidewalk seating is a good spot for a perfectly poured Guinness on a warm evening. The happy hou…
1416 First Ave
Downtown Seattle

Pioneer Square Saloon

An old-fashioned-looking saloon. It isn't "sceney," but it still draws in a crowd that likes to party. A nice alternative to the sometimes overdramatic P-Squar…
73 Yesler Way
Pioneer Square
(206) 628-6444

Temple Billiards

Pool is the point, but Temple Billiards also has a standard-issue bar menu and a long, long happy hour (daily, 4 to 8 pm).
126 S Jackson St
Pioneer Square

Cowgirls Inc.

Cowgirls Inc. has a mechanical bull, but it's not really a country bar. The jukebox often blares rock standards, and normal everyday dudes populate the bar. Th…
421 First Ave S
Pioneer Square

Back Door Pub

A place for pool sharks (who play free on Sundays) and sketchy-types. Sometimes hosts live music.
12330 Lake City Way NE
North Seattle

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