All Vietnamese & Thai Restaurants near Mount Baker, Beacon Hill, Columbia City, Rainier Valley and Hillman City
Showing locations near 98101
2552 Beacon Ave Street
Beacon Hill
2552 Beacon Ave Street
Beacon Hill
2815 S Hanford St
Rainier Valley

Pho Bac

There's a lot of pho in Seattle—some good, some bad, some in the middle—but Pho Bac in Rainier Valley is one of the best. With a stripped-down aesthetic, inexp…
3300 Rainier Ave S
Mount Baker

Billiard Hoang

This wondrous, grungy Columbia City dive offers a place for you to shoot pool and enjoy steaming bowls of pho and bun bo hue in the same place.
3220 S Hudson St
Rainier Valley

Coffeeholic House

According to a press release, a new Vietnamese fusion coffee shop called Coffeeholic House is slated to open in Columbia City on February 22. The Vietnamese-Am…
3700 S Hudson Street
Columbia City

The Spice Room

The Spice Room serves good Thai food in a good-looking setting in Columbia City, with good service, too—people love it, and so will you. Our friend Jill says t…
4909 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Paris Bakery and Deli

Paris Bakery and Deli is, contrary to what you'd expect, a banh mi joint in Columbia City that bakes its own baguettes in-house (and is rumored to provide them…
5020 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Bua 9 Thai Cuisine

Owned by the previous owner of Lotus Thai in the Central District, this Thai place serves pad kee mao, larb, roti with peanut sauce, and mango sticky rice, amo…
5020 Rainer Ave S
Columbia City

Lavana Lounge

Lounge with karaoke, dancing, live music, and drinks.
5041 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley
(206) 722-0238

Watercress Vietnamese Bistro

Located in the Columbia City strip mall that houses Full Tilt Ice Cream and the Hummingbird Saloon, Watercress Vietnamese Bistro serves duck curry, clay-pot-br…
5041 Rainier Ave S #108
Rainier Valley

Q Bakery

Supercheap, good banh mi and French bread near the Viet Wah on MLK (and the supercheap, good Western Bakery and Dim Sum).
3818 S Graham St
Rainier Valley

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