All Pizza, Steakhouse and Pan-Asian Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Downtown Seattle, East Queen Anne, Pioneer Square and West Queen Anne
Showing locations near 98101


Replacing the W Hotel’s Earth & Ocean—which produced such chefs as Lark’s Johnathan Sundstrom, Brian McCracken and Dana Tough of the Coterie Room/etc., and Mar…
1112 Fourth Ave
Downtown Seattle

Papa Murphy's

Papa Murphy's Take N Bake Pizza has a lot of Seattle locations, and they all offer pickup and third-party delivery.

Downtown Seattle

Metropolitan Grill

The Metropolitan Grill, located in the heart of downtown, is home to one of the world's best collections of premium West Coast red wines. Its sister restaurant…
820 Second Ave
Downtown Seattle
822 1st Avenue
Downtown Seattle


Richie-riches, businesspeople, and gourmands love this mid-century marvel of a restaurant with its amazing view of Lake Union. Chef Brady Williams balances cla…
2576 Aurora Ave N
East Queen Anne

Batch 206 Distillery Tasting Room

Since March 2012, Batch 206 Distillery has made spirits including bourbon, gin, vodka, and moonshine in an 8000-foot space in the heart of Seattle. The tasting…
1417 Elliott Ave W
West Queen Anne
809 Olive Way Suite C
Downtown Seattle

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