All Scandinavian, Middle Eastern and Pan-Asian Restaurants with Dog Friendly near Seattle

Cafe Yumm!

In Oregon since 1997, this vegetarian-friendly fast-casual chain has "a menu balancing a combination of elemental foods with a light-hearted sense of fun," mea…
717 Pine St
Pike Pine Retail Core

Eggs and Plants

An unassuming vegetarian café doesn’t exactly seem like a magnet to Seattle lunch-hunters, but the ordinary Belltown storefront holds a magical world of Middle…
2229 5th Ave

Cedars of Lebanon

This quaint restaurant, along with two other small Middle Eastern businesses on its U-District street, form Seattle’s Little Lebanon. And it is very little. An…
1319 NE 43rd St
Northeast Seattle


Located in front of Surf Ballard on Shilshole, Tortuga serves coffee, fresh juices and agua frescas, and small bites to snack on or take to the beach, all made…
6300 Seaview Ave NW

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