All Local/Organic/Sustainable Focus Restaurants with Dog Friendly near Central District, West Queen Anne and East Queen Anne


Bottlehouse is a wine bar and “shoppe” located upstairs from Madrona’s urban winery, Wilridge (which makes special Bottlehouse blends). The motto: “Dwell, Drin…
1416 34th Ave
Central District

Bounty Kitchen

Bounty Kitchen serves veggie-driven salads and grain bowls. The restaurant offers three meals a day, including weekday breakfast service starting at 7:30 a.m.
7 Boston St
East Queen Anne

Macrina Cafe and Bakery

Macrina is often cited as Seattle’s best bakery, and for good reason. Go see for yourself why over the weekend, when the Queen Anne location serves up a specia…
615 W McGraw St
West Queen Anne

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