All Local/Organic/Sustainable Focus Restaurants with Breakfast/Brunch, Outdoor Dining and Breakfast Brunch near Fremont & North End

Eve Fremont

Eve, with its gigantic mural of a nude woman resting on her side (presumably the original Eve), serves a clean food and drink menu with a focus on whole and un…
704 N 34th St

Brouwer's Cafe

If Tyrion Lannister had a taste for double IPAs, it'd be easy to picture this Fremont beer temple in the depths of Casterly Rock. Radiant chandeliers and a cir…
400 N 35th St

Le Coin

This restaurant in Fremont from chef Josh Delgado, an alum of Hood Canal's Alderbrook Resort and Spa, offers a modern American update on classic French cuisine…
4201 Fremont Ave N

Pecado Bueno

Pecado Bueno is a well-loved Mexican restaurant with locations in Eastlake, Fremont and West Seattle. People go crazy for the $3 top-shelf margarita.
4307 Fremont Ave N

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