All Latin American & Steakhouse Restaurants near Interbay, Greenwood, Magnolia and Phinney Ridge

Batch Bar Cantina

This Latin-influenced spot inside Batch 206 Distillery is headed up by chef Lisa Esposito, who previously was in charge at a Belltown restaurant called Casa-U-…
1417 Elliott Ave W

FlintCreek Cattle Co.

Named Seattle Met's "2017 Restaurant of the Year," FlintCreek Cattle Co. does indeed serve cattle and lots of it, plus other tasty things like pastas and salad…
8421 Greenwood Ave N

Tiko Riko

Stranger reader Kate M. would like you to know that in addition to Guanaco's and the Salvadorean Bakery, "there is another option for fresh, hand-crafted pupus…
10410 Greenwood Ave N

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