All Kosher, Steakhouse and Pan-Asian Restaurants with Gift Cards near Seattle

Metropolitan Grill

The Metropolitan Grill, located in the heart of downtown, is home to one of the world's best collections of premium West Coast red wines. Its sister restaurant…
820 Second Ave
Downtown Seattle

Purple Dot Cafe

Well-loved dim sum spot serving up the classics. Try the black pepper steak with rice or the baked spaghetti.
515 Maynard Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Buddha Bruddah

The family-owned food truck and catering service has opened a brick-and-mortar restaurant on Rainier Avenue. Their menu offers an Asian twist on the traditiona…
2201 Rainier Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Jak's Grill

Local mini-chain Jak’s consistently makes some of the area’s best steaks (and they all come with salad and potatoes, too, so the wallet-devastation is lessened…
3701 NE 45th St
Northeast Seattle
(206) 985-8545

Jak's Grill

Local mini-chain Jak’s consistently makes some of the area’s best steaks (and they all come with salad and potatoes, too, so the wallet-devastation is lessened…
4548 California Ave SW

Jak's Grill

Local mini-chain Jak’s consistently makes some of the area’s best steaks (and they all come with salad and potatoes, too, so the wallet-devastation is lessened…
28 Front Street N
Olde Town

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