All Pan-Asian & Italian Restaurants with Takeout near Arbor Heights, White Center, Fremont and West Seattle

Esters Enoteca

This relaxed, elevated fast-casual wine bar comes from the owners of Maple Leaf's Italian restaurant Piccolo, which closed in 2016 after ten years of business.…
3416 Fremont Ave N


The long name of this new Neapolitan pizzeria (In Bocca Al Lupo, though they just go by Lupo) literally translates to "in the mouth of the wolf" and means "goo…
4303 Fremont Ave N
4437 California Ave SW
West Seattle

Bizzarro Italian Cafe

The eccentric Italian cafe in Wallingford, beloved for its wacky decor and its handmade pasta, has opened a second location in the former space of Noble Barton…
9635 16th Ave SW
White Center

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