All Southern & Ice Cream Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Beacon Hill, Columbia City, Eastlake, Capitol Hill, Hillman City, Mount Baker, First Hill and Rainier Valley
Showing locations near 98101

Salt and Straw

This artisan Portland ice creamery has attracted a loyal cult following. Flavors are often made in collaboration with local producers, like Rachel's Ginger Bee…
714 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Drip Tea

This buzzy bubble tea cafe billing itself as "Seattle's hypebeast boba shop" caters to a trendy, Supreme-collecting crowd with drink names like "Post Melona" (…
1416 10th Ave
Capitol Hill

Molly Moon's Ice Cream

Molly Moon’s offers gourmet handmade ice cream, with special flavors rotating seasonally and an unchanging list of “classics,” including Scout mint, salted car…
917 E Pine St
Capitol Hill

Hot Cakes Molten Chocolate Cakery

Autumn Martin, former Canlis pastry chef and Theo head chocolatier (and fourth-generation Washingtonian), makes all-organic desserts from carefully sourced, lo…
1650 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Hello Robin

From Molly Moon Neitzel and Oddfellows Whoopie Pie Bake-Off champion Robin Wehl Martin, Hello Robin is a bakery and ice cream shop featuring cookies, from clas…
522 19th Ave E
Capitol Hill


This Beacon Hill place that can contain children and also has a cocktail lounge for grown-ups. The Oak's beer comes from local breweries; its menu focuses on o…
3019 Beacon Ave S
Beacon Hill

Ezell's Famous Chicken

What might be the best fried chicken in the country, sold over-the-counter (and on wheels). Oprah has it FedExed directly to her mouth. Also: dinner rolls so g…
4436 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Full Tilt Ice Cream

The various Full Tilts offer a rotating menu of more than a dozen flavors—including raspberry ripple, toasted coconut, corn and chili, vanilla bean, and mint c…
5041 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Emma's BBQ

Hillman City gets a new BBQ joint, Emma's BBQ. It has all the good-but-not-good-for-you things you expect from a BBQ place—in giant portions.
5303 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

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