All Pizza, Pub Grub and Ice Cream Restaurants with Outdoor Seating & Outdoor seating near Capitol Hill & First Hill

Six Arms

A beer and pub-grub standby with hodge-podge decor on Capitol Hill.
300 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Linda's Tavern

Under the baleful watch of a taxidermied buffalo, Capitol Hill has hung out at Western-themed Linda's with shots and pitchers of beer for two-plus decades now,…
707 E Pine St
Capitol Hill

Capitol Cider

Capitol Cider is a handsome, old-fashionedy pub serving lots of kinds of hard cider—30 on tap—along with the usual drinky suspects, plus non-holier-than-thou g…
818 E Pike St
Capitol Hill


Montana is a no-nonsense cocktail bar where the Buck used to be (with a less virulent Old West theme). Owners Rachel Marshall (Oddfellows, Delancey, and the Ra…
1506 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Molly Moon's Ice Cream

Molly Moon’s offers gourmet handmade ice cream, with special flavors rotating seasonally and an unchanging list of “classics,” including Scout mint, salted car…
917 E Pine St
Capitol Hill

Bait Shop

From the maker of Linda’s Tavern, King’s Hardware, Smith, and Oddfellows, this bar where the Jade Pagoda (and then, briefly, Bako) used to be is nautical theme…
606 Broadway E
Capitol Hill

The Lookout

Along with an outdoor patio with a view of South Lake Union, Queen Anne, and Puget Sound, this bar and restaurant offers burgers, sandwiches, eight beers on ta…
757 Bellevue Ave E
Capitol Hill

Roanoke Park Place Tavern

The Roanoke is also known as the Chia Pet, in honor of its exterior coat of ivy. From the inside looking out, each window has an extra frame of encroaching twi…
2409 10th Ave E
Capitol Hill

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