Recommended Middle Eastern & Ice Cream Restaurants near Fremont & Central District

Cupcake Royale

Cupcake Royale was started in 2003 in Seattle as the first cupcake bakery and cafe outside of New York City, and has since expanded from the original Capitol H…
1101 34th Ave
Central District

Bistro Turkuaz

Bistro Turkuaz serves delicious Turkish food. A family runs it, and Mom does the cooking: Everything is fresh and homemade. Half the menu is small dishes: bake…
1114 34th Ave
Central District

Fainting Goat Gelato

After the success of their Wallingford location, Fainting Goat owners opened a new location in Fremont. People love its rotating roster of flavors like avocado…
3415 Fremont Ave N #A

Sinbad Express

Brought to you by the same people as the well-loved Aladdin Gyrocery in the U District, this Mediterranean place is cheap and real good, and the dudes who work…
3526 Fremont Pl N

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