Recommended Japanese, Hawaiian/Polynesian and Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants with Dinner near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

W Hotel Seattle

The swank W invites you to "lounge in the Living Room, our main floor with a jaw-dropping, three-story fireplace covered in nearly 1,000 stainless steel tiles …
1112 Fourth Ave
Downtown Seattle

Betsutenjin Ramen

A ramen spot popular for its bone broth and green tea mochi waffles, among other things.
954 East Union St
Capitol Hill

Sushi Kashiba

Shiro Kashiba is the patron saint of Seattle sushi, and Sushi Kashiba is his latest restaurant. This dude is on some Jiro Dreams of Sushi shit. Newcomers shoul…
86 Pine St, Suite 1
Pike Place Market

Ten Sushi

Where the Genki Sushi above the QFC on Mercer used to be, it’s another, better conveyor-belt place run by former Genki manager and sushi chef Shinichiro Takaha…
500 Mercer St

Marination Ma Kai

Marination’s brick-and-mortar location at the Alki water-taxi dock (“ma kai” means “near the sea” in Hawaiian) has all the island-fusion favorites familiar to …
1660 Harbor Ave SW
North Admiral

Wayward Vegan Cafe

A conglomeration of like-minded businesses created a small universe of high-functioning idealism in the U-District, and here those who abstain from animal prod…
801 NE 65th St Suite C
University District

Moshi Moshi Sushi

Moshi Moshi’s salient feature is the Tree, a two-story-high artificial cherry tree with LED-illuminated blossoms. It would be especially amazing if you were st…
5324 Ballard Ave NW
(206) 971-7424

Arashi Ramen

Ballard’s Arashi Ramen brings even more of the rich, porky broth called tonkotsu to Seattle ramen slurpers. (Arashi’s wildly popular original location is in Tu…
5401 20th Ave NW

Aloha Ramen

Formerly in Greenwood, Aloha Ramen has a classic Japanese ramen-ya menu: noodles, fried rice, gyoza. Some dishes are tweaked island-style, like the deeply grat…
3004 NE 127th St
Olympic Hills

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