All Taiwanese & French Restaurants with Delivery & Takeout near Greenwood, Chinatown-International District, Phinney Ridge, First Hill and Capitol Hill
Showing locations near 98101


One of the best restaurants in Seattle, Stateside is consistently great, wearing its Vietnamese-French mash-up on its sleeve. The crispy duck fresh rolls are d…
300 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

TP Tea

Customers at this popular Taiwanese milk tea chain can customize their drinks with different sweetness levels, ice levels, and add-ons, including tapioca pearl…
679 S King St
Chinatown-International District

Bakery Nouveau

This beloved bakery is owned by William and Heather Leaman. William was the captain of Seattle’s 2005 World Cup of Baking team, and offers crazy-making artisan…
137 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Petit Pierre Bakery

Celine Patisserie, run by husband-and-wife team Alexei and Daniela Bucos, is a Greenwood/Phinney newcomer that serves a bit of everything. Lunch items like ham…
6801 Greenwood Ave N Unit 113A
Phinney Ridge

Hangry Panda

This Taiwanese bubble tea shop serves drinks like Hong Kong milk tea and "panda milk" (black sesame swirled with milk and topped with salted cream cheese foam)…
7815 Aurora Ave N
Phinney Ridge


Named for the '60s French singer, scoundrel, and womanizer Serge Gainsbourg, this laid-back bar serves French small plates at good prices. Among the selections…
8550 Greenwood Ave N

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