All Indian, French and Spanish Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Chinatown-International District, Capitol Hill and First Hill
Showing locations near 98101


This colorful Indian fusion bar and restaurant aims to bring an Indian influence to the happy hour scene, with cocktails and bites like apricot chicken seekh k…
1100 Pike St
Capitol Hill


One of the best restaurants in Seattle, Stateside is consistently great, wearing its Vietnamese-French mash-up on its sleeve. The crispy duck fresh rolls are d…
300 E Pike St
Capitol Hill

Bombay Burger

This Indian-inspired burger spot has opened in the former space of Pho Huy on Capitol Hill. Since cows are considered sacred in Indian culture, the m…

1420 E Madison Street
Capitol Hill

Bakery Nouveau

This beloved bakery is owned by William and Heather Leaman. William was the captain of Seattle’s 2005 World Cup of Baking team, and offers crazy-making artisan…
137 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

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