All Kosher, Filipino, Korean and German Restaurants with Dog Friendly near Seattle

Altstadt Bierhalle & Brathaus

Altstadt, owned by former Belltown street taco entrepreneur Lex Petras, is arguably Seattle’s first stab at upscale German food. And it hits the mark. Certainl…
209 First Ave S
Pioneer Square

Chili + Sesame Korean Kitchen

This authentic Korean eatery serves standards like dumplings, bulgogi, and kimchi fried rice in addition to beer, wine, and soju.
2429 2nd Ave

Marination Mobile

Marination Mobile’s shiny truck roams all over the city bringing Hawaiian-Korean food to the people. If you want to sit down (and have a beer) with your Marina…
Various locations


The name of this Lake City bakery translates to “coffee gossip,” aka the best way to spend any weekend afternoon. As the daughter of a German immigrant, I grew…
12513 Lake City Way NE Suite H
Olympic Hills

Lumpia World

Lumpia World, where customers are invited to "enjoy the love hand rolled in each lumpia," is both a traveling truck and a commercial kitchen where orders are a…
281 SW 41st Street, Bldg 13

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