Recommended Filipino & Diner Restaurants with Delivery near Seattle

Skillet Regrade

The fourth location of Skillet, the popular diner that serves fresh, locally-sourced comfort food, doesn’t stray from the familiar. There’s the burger with ba…
2050 Sixth Ave
(206) 512-2002

Skillet Capitol Hill

The Capitol Hill outpost of Skillet diner offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, each good. People go crazy for the gargantuan cinnamon roll, the "Serious Toast" …
1400 E Union St
Capitol Hill

Hood Famous Cafe and Bar

The beloved Ballard bakeshop, famous for its Filipino-inspired specialties such as ube cheesecake, has expanded to the International District with a new locati…
500 Fifth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
391 Terry Ave N
South Lake Union

Hattie's Hat

With stiff drinks and good food, Hattie’s is one of Ballard’s most beloved dives. The all-American menu has everything from classic burgers with sweet-potato f…
5231 Ballard Ave NW

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
2821 NW Market

Salvadorean Bakery & Restaurant

You’ll need to studiously avoid the two heaving pastry cases on either side of you as you order your meal at the counter of this White Center bakery. Focus! Be…
1719 SW Roxbury St
White Center

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