Recommended Filipino, Spanish and Dim Sum Restaurants with Dinner near Seattle

Henry's Taiwan Plus

The stinky tofu is just as stinky (and delicious) here as at Rocking Wok, both owned by the Henry of the restaurant's name. Come for the tofu, stay for the fri…
504 S King St
Chinatown-International District

Harbor City

If the line is too long at Jade Garden, mosey over to Harbor City, where the dim sum staples are more or less exactly the same. When the servers roll those ste…
707 S King St
Chinatown-International District
(206) 621-2228


Bottlehouse is a wine bar and “shoppe” located upstairs from Madrona’s urban winery, Wilridge (which makes special Bottlehouse blends). The motto: “Dwell, Drin…
1416 34th Ave
Central District

The Whale Wins

At Renee Erickson’s the Whale Wins, almost everything is wood-fired, and while the menu may seem simple, North African flavors add interest. Of note: marrow bo…
3506 Stone Way N

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