All Dessert, Spanish and German Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Downtown Seattle, Central District and Pioneer Square
Showing locations near 98101

Rhein Haus

Twentysomethings jostle for position around this prefab German beer hall's sprawling main bar. Inoffensive pick-up lines and mini bottles of Underberg are swif…
912 12th Ave
Central District

Altstadt Bierhalle & Brathaus

Altstadt, owned by former Belltown street taco entrepreneur Lex Petras, is arguably Seattle’s first stab at upscale German food. And it hits the mark. Certainl…
209 First Ave S
Pioneer Square

The Pastry Project

This nonprofit founded by two former Molly Moon's employees provides pastry and bakery job training to individuals with a barrier to entry. They offer boxes of…
165 South Main Street
Pioneer Square

Raised Doughnuts

Pastry chef Mi Kim, formerly the head pastry chef of Macrina Bakery, slings impeccable gluten-free mochi doughnuts, apple fritters, maple bars, raspberry holes…

2301 E Union St Suite L,
Central District

Lowrider Baking Company

Previously a traveling pop-up and then a trailer shop in Georgetown, this cookie company christened in honor of owner Emily Allport's dachshunds and focused on…
2407 E Union Street
Central District

Cupcake Royale

Cupcake Royale was started in 2003 in Seattle as the first cupcake bakery and cafe outside of New York City, and has since expanded from the original Capitol H…
1101 34th Ave
Central District

Molly Moon's Ice Cream

Molly Moon’s offers gourmet handmade ice cream, with special flavors rotating seasonally and an unchanging list of “classics,” including Scout mint, salted car…
1408 34th Ave
Central District
509 13th Ave
Central District

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