All Chinese, Deli/Sandwiches and Ethiopian/Eritrean Restaurants near Northwest Bellevue

Facing East Taiwanese Restaurant

While it’s located in Bellevue’s Belgate Plaza, Facing East is the antithesis of strip-mall dining. The reason you’re at Facing East is the pork burgers, for t…
1075 Bellevue Way
Northwest Bellevue


Salads! Evergreens makes them with produce that’s sourced “hyperlocally” in the “biggest bowls in town.” They have unfortunately cutesy names—“The Cobbsby Show…
555 110th Ave NE, Suite 125
Northwest Bellevue

Cafe Cesura

This Bellevue cafe serves "slow food, at a fast pace" in the form of Stumptown coffee, sweet breakfast pastries (wake up with a Vahlrona gianduja chocolate chu…
1015 108th Ave NE
Northwest Bellevue

Dumplings and Noodles

As the name suggests, this restaurant in Bellevue serves—you guessed it—dumplings and noodles. The menu includes soup dumplings, bao, pot stickers, and beef no…
11000 NE 10th St
Northwest Bellevue

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