Recommended Cafe Restaurants with Delivery & Takeout near South Lake Union & Belltown

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
391 Terry Ave N
South Lake Union

La Parisienne French Bakery

La Parisienne is owned by the Morin family, from Paris, France. The charming person you will likely find behind the counter is Christine Morin; her husband, Pa…
2507 Fourth Ave

Bang Bang Cafe

If sisters/owners Miki and Yuki Sodos can’t put you in a good mood for the day, nothing will. Excellently pulled espresso: check. Excellent sandwiches, soups, …
2460 Western Ave

Grand Central Baking Company

Grand Central has been making high-quality, yummy bread and baked goods for a long, long time, and comes with a presidential seal of approval: Obama ate a turk…
1616 Eastlake Ave E
South Lake Union

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