All Middle Eastern & Cafe Restaurants with Happy Hour near South Lake Union, Ballard and Crown Hill

Caffe Torino

Caffe Torino is a self-described “snippet of Northern Italian coffee and culinary traditions,” run by a real Italian person.
422 Yale Ave
South Lake Union

Pono Ranch

Pono is Hawaiian for, roughly, “a state of harmony or balance.” Near the north end of the Ballard Bridge, Pono Ranch is, roughly, an organic cafe—one with a “h…
4502 Shilshole Ave NW

The Other Coast Cafe

The “other” coast is the East Coast (get it?!). The meats are thin-sliced and tasty, the lettuce etc. is fresh, and the bread is great (baguette-ish but withou…
5315 Ballard Ave NW

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