Recommended Malaysian & Cafe Restaurants with Outdoor Dining near Seattle

Oddfellows Cafe + Bar

Created by bar maven Linda Derschang (of Linda's, etc.), Oddfellows is a crowd-pleasing Capitol Hill fixture. The space—a giant, high-ceilinged, beautifully be…
1525 10th Ave
Capitol Hill

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
391 Terry Ave N
South Lake Union

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
4130 Roosevelt Way NE
Northeast Seattle

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
2821 NW Market

Ristorante Picolinos

Picolinos invites you "to enjoy and experience authentic Italian food in the warmth and comfort of the restaurant." They also have a lot of Italian wine, a lar…
6415 32nd Ave NW

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